2012년 4월 17일 화요일

East Coast "Good Samaritan Movement" Raises “Food 4 Life”

World  mission  society  church  of  God donated food to people who need.
Please check church of God what it is.

East Coast "Good Samaritan Movement" Raises “Food 4 Life”
“Over 5,000lbs of food raised to fight hunger in D.C. to honor Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong.”Washington, DC (PRWEB) March 29, 2012

Members of the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) are participating from as far north as Boston to as far south as Virginia Beach to launch the “Food of Life Campaign”, a food donation program with a goal of collecting 40,000 pounds of food. Right now, over 640,000 local area residents in D.C are at risk of being hungry; 200,000 of them are children. (U.S. Census American Community Survey 2006-2008). 
Calling to action, members of the WMSCOG in DC were able to raise over 5,000lbs of food to donate to the Capitol Area Food Bank(CAFB), which is the largest, nonprofit hunger and nutrition education resource in the Washington Metropolitan area. The Food of Life Campaign was inspired by the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong, who re-established the New Covenant Passover, the true "food of life," which will be celebrated on April 5, 2012.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus promised that those who ate of this bread (His body) through the Passover of the New Covenant would live forever (Jn 6:51). After being abolished in AD 325, Christ came again with the name of Ahnsahnghong in 1948 to restore the Passover that is Christ's flesh and blood, and also the source of eternal life. Just as Jesus came as a humble carpenter delivering the "Bread of Life," the New Covenant Passover, so Christ Ahnsahnghong has come as the Second Coming Christ to restore the Passover truth at a time when people need it the most, a time when mankind is suffering the true hunger for eternal life. His great work of sacrifice became the foundation of the WMSCOG and the members now strive to follow in His footsteps as today's "Good Samaritans."
Through the Good Samaritan Movement, the members of the WMSCOG have taken on the mission of leading people to realize the importance of nurturing their spiritual health as well as physical health. 
for more details and specific event information.
The World Mission Society Church of God teaches and proves the Second Coming of Christ and the existence of Heavenly Mother, The New Jerusalem. In only a few decades, membership has grown exponentially to over 1.6 million registered members with 2,200 churches in more than 150 countries. Newspapers and magazines around the world are recognizing the Church and its remarkable international growth. Recently, even BBC news interviewed one of its Manchester members to inquire about the Church's extraordinary beliefs. Its many volunteer services in 2011 earned the Church the President's Volunteer Service Award for completing over 17,000 hours of community service, as well as international awards of merit and a special commendation from the United Nations for its overseas disaster relief efforts. Every year members fly to Korea to visit God in the flesh: the Heavenly Mother.

댓글 1개:

  1. So good!
    WMSCOG is trying to share the Passover love of Elohim God.
    Could you visit, http://www.wmscog.org?
    or http://elohimourgod.wordpress.com ?
