2012년 3월 1일 목요일

World Mission Society church holds cleanup campaign on Sunday ---wmscog---

It's  so great news.
So many times  wmscog  works  a lot  for people.
Wmscog  esteblish by God.
If you wanna know more please click here.


World Mission Society church holds cleanup campaign on Sunday  
The World Mission Society Church of God, with churches in Leesburg, Jacksonville and Miami, will hold a clean up campaign at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 8, starting from Lake Eola Park.
Church members and volunteers will walk from the park to the Parramore neighborhood and pick up trash and garbage. The effort is part of a worldwide cleanup campaign being conducted by the more than 1,900 World Mission Society Church of God congregations in more than 150 countries.
The church is in the process of establishing a congregation in Orlando.

댓글 2개:

  1. It's so great for people.
    Church of GOd has been established by God who is christ Ahnsahnghong.

  2. Amen! That's very good news :)
    Hope 4 the world full of Elohim God's love
